The moment I feel free
is when I am all alone
nowhere to be
content in myself
singing at the top of my lungs
a melody and dancing along
I don't care how I look
how I sound
how I present myself
because in that moment of freedom
everything I do is accepted
happy joyful real
and no one can tell me otherwise.
and be grateful for everything
be overwhelmed by gratitude
in all that is there
I am living!
I am breathing!
I am walking!
I have a family!
I have education!
I have food!
I have shelter!
I have warmth!
I have music!
and grateful for even the bad things
Failure helped me find a new path!
Frustration helped me rethink my ways!
Stress helped my schedule my day!
Bad friends made me find new ones!
Bad days lead me here!
and oh, what a relief!
to just feel grateful
and nothing else.
Take one look around you
I bet you didn't notice that
or that
and if you spin around again
everything looks so different
did you realize that
did you see that
did you notice that
it's always been there
but you can't see it until
you place yourself
It's funny how
we can be influenced
to the point of changing our lives
over someone
we've never met
and maybe never will meet
it seems like we're all family.